Foot/Toe Pain:
Many conditions exist that can cause foot pain/stiffness/weakness, and a few simple tests will help us diagnose/treat the below as well as many other conditions:
Osteoarthritis of the foot/toes
Plantar fasciitis
Muscle injuries/pain including arch pain
Ligament injuries
Referred pain from the lumbar spine/hip/knee
Morton’s neuroma
Pre and post-surgery treatment

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A comprehensive examination will be carried out to find the causes of your pain in both Face to Face and Video Link formats. Your Platinum therapist will look for physical abnormalities, swelling, deformity and muscle weakness.
He or she will observe your range of motion and strength and in both formats use precise palpation techniques to identify the problem.
A diagnosis will then be provided to you and appropriate treatment carried out. Please refer to the "Treatments" section of the website for more information about our unique style of treatment that we love to call "The Platinum Way."