Platinum Treatments
Face-to-face or video assessment/treatments
Browse our wide range of products and services to assist people worldwide.
Video Link Physiotherapy/Sports Therapy Treatment
Swiss Ball (Product)
Single Platinum Class (Video Link)
£6.50 each
Single Platinum Class (Face to Face)
£6.50 each
Platinum Class 8-week block (Video Link)
Platinum Class 8-week block (Face to Face)
Physiotherapy/Sports Therapy Treatment (Video Link)
Physiotherapy/Sports Therapy Treatment (Face to face)
Personal Training/Strength and Conditioning (Video Link) - 6 session package
Personal Training/Strength and Conditioning (Video Link) - 3 session package
Personal Training/Strength and Conditioning (Video Link) - 12 session package
Personal Training/Strength and Conditioning (Video Link) - 1 session package
Personal Training/Strength and Conditioning (Face to Face) - 6 session package
Personal Training/Strength and Conditioning (Face to Face) - 3 session package
Personal Training/Strength and Conditioning (Face to Face) - 12 session package
Personal Training/Strength and Conditioning (Face to Face) - 1 session package
Foam Roller Education Class (Video Link or Face to Face)
Foam Roller (Product)
Deep Tissue Massage/Sports Massage (Standard)
Deep Tissue Massage/Sports Massage (Extended)
Couples Fit class trial (Video Link)
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